Jessica Jolly, a native of Kansas City, Missouri, came to New York City to attend
acting school at NYU. Since graduating, Jessica has appeared in many New
York productions of classics and new works, in such venues as Here Arts Center,
Collective Unconcious, Producers Club, and most recently in the 2004 Fringe
Festival, where she appeared in the play Precipice. Jessica also
is a member of the performance group .trip, with whom she has acted in several
plays and starred in one film. Notable roles she's
played include Cordelia in King Lear, Gwendolyn in Importance of
Being Earnest, and Rossignol in Marat/Sade. Jessica completed
work on the feature film Kicking the Dog last October. She has
starred in a large number of student and independent films, most recently in
writer/director Reid Rosefelt's film titled Taken.